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OWC Welcome

Membership Form

We welcome all ladies who are interested in joining The Oaks Women's Club.  There is an annual fee of $75 to join the OWC that will be charged to your Oak Club account. You can access the President's Welcome Letter and sign up for the OWC, it's committees and/or Special Interest Groups by clicking on the links below.

New and returning OWC members should complete the new sign up form below for the upcoming  2023-2024 season.
To Join OWC
If you not yet a member of the Oaks Women's Club and wish to join or get more information,
please contact either of our Membership Co-Chairs:

         » Janet Bridgford at 941-685-2748 or [email protected]
         » â€‹Sharon Knapp at 703-659-7144 or [email protected] 

You must be a paid member of OWC to participate in our activities.

2022-23 Board & Committees

Carolyn Ryzewicz
[email protected]
 Marti Byers
Suzanne Spencer
[email protected]
Barb Collins
[email protected]
Assistant Treasurer
Amy Friedrich
[email protected]
Past President
Gail Hruby 
Marti Byers 
[email protected]
OWC Communications, Website and Photography
Communications Coordinator
Laura Caragol
[email protected]
Liz Hillman
[email protected]
OWC Website
Liz Hillman
[email protected]
OWC Email Address
Carolyn Ryzewicz
[email protected]
Marti Byers 
[email protected]
Tracy Howard
[email protected]
Nancy Zalick
[email protected]

Through the OWC website, you have access to the latest information 24 hours a day.  In order for the website to remain dynamic, the OWC Board and Special Interest Chairs provide the webmaster with updated details of their events which can then be posted to the website at any time. The website is the primary means of communication for both The Oaks Club and OWC. It's fast, flexible, and up to date. Many things can be found here, such as the names and contact numbers of  Board Members, Committee Chairs, and the Membership Directory with current contact information. All the special interest groups and their activities can be reviewed from the left-hand menu of the home page or by date on the OWC calendar. Each item on the calendar has a link that gives additional details on that activity. Don't forget to look for photographs that may be added after an event.

If you have any changes in your personal information,  please contact Laura Caragol who will update the OWC Member Directory.

Any log-in problems can be easily resolved through The Oaks Club.  Contact Amy McKenzieMember Marketing Coordinator at 941-441-1873 for assistance. 

The OWC Handbook is a handy guide that will be distributed in November.  It provides an overview of OWC activities and a directory of those who are members at the beginning of the season. The OWC website directory is updated monthly so you can find new members or those whose information changes during the year - - and it is printable so you can have a hard copy if you wish.

Fashion Show Co-Chairs
Dorothy Thomas
[email protected]
Carmen Lawrence 
[email protected]

The OWC will host a fashion show during the January Luncheon. If you would like to be a part of this popular event, by serving on a committee or modeling the day of the show, please contact one of the chairs.

Luncheon Programs Chair
Linda Baron
Home: 941-966-1358
[email protected]
Christine Hogan
Cell: 917-517-6494
[email protected]
Annette Dwyer
Cell:   678-428-5560
[email protected]
Claudia Latona
[email protected]
Luncheon Program Menus
Chef James Pampinella
Work: 941-966-2161
Luncheon Program Flowers
Cindy Allcox
Home: 941-822-0264
Cell: 920-819-6766
[email protected]
Membership Committee Co-Chairs
Janet Bridgford
[email protected]
Patty Tassone
[email protected]
The Membership Chair maintains and updates all membership information for the Women’s Club Board. In addition, the Membership Chair acts as liaison between new Oaks Club members and the OWC. The OWC website Membership Directory is updated monthly during season. If you have any corrections to your listing, please contact the Oaks Accounting Department at 941-966-4808.
Nominating Committee Chair
Marti Byers 
[email protected]
The Vice President of The Board of Directors serves as the head of the Nominating Committee. The Committee is appointed by the Vice President and consists of two existing Board members, and three members at large. The Committee fills vacancies on the Board of Directors and Chairs of the Standing Committees for the upcoming year. The new Board is announced to the membership at the March meeting.
Outreach Committee Chairperson
Barbara Wigton
[email protected]
Lori Voge
[email protected]
The purpose of Outreach is to identify and provide service needs to OWC members who are ill or have lost a loved one. Service needs may include the sending of sympathy cards and delivering food form Oaks Curbside. Please call the Co-Chairs by Tuesday for delivery on Wednesday. If you know of any member who would benefit from our services or if you would like to volunteer your time toward these services, please contact the Co-Chairs.
Susan Barnhill
cell: 303-809-5903
[email protected]
Diana Houston
cell: 941-266-9205
[email protected]
Debbie Moore
cell: 330-354-8022
[email protected]
Helen Weisbruch
home: 941-966-3951
[email protected]
Pearl Girls take their name from the faux pearl necklace name tags which Diana, Debbie, Helen, and Susan hand out to the OWC members when they arrive for our monthly luncheon. Wearing name tags helps all of us to know and remember each other. The necklaces are collected at the end of each luncheon so that they are available to you at the next event. If you inadvertently take your name tag home with you, please bring it to the next luncheon.
Philanthropy Committee Co-Chairs
Debbie Riley 
[email protected]
Marti Byers 
[email protected]
The Oaks Women's Club (OWC) has annually raised funds to meet its objectives through contributions from members and various fundraising activities.

OWC awards scholarships to deserving young women receiving a diploma from Sarasota County and continuing their education at an accredited institution of higher education.

The recipients have been young women with financial need who are scholastically superior and have performed community service.

Over the past several years, the OWC has also awarded monies to the following charities: All Faiths Food Bank, Meals on Wheels, The Salvation Army, Resurrection House, F.A.C.E. of Sarasota, Inc., Venice Challenge, SPARCC, The Community Pharmacy of Sarasota County, Children First, The Women’s Resource Center, Spanish Point, Southeastern Guide Dogs, Selah Freedom, Baby Basics, Academy at Glengary, Southern Atelier Center for Arts, Mothers Helping Mothers and our own Hospice Group.
Scholarship Committee Chair
Terri Matchett
cell: 765-993-4352
[email protected]
Terry Gumz
cell: 914-393-1028
[email protected]
Education is one of the most significant gifts we give to future generations.  It is with that in mind that the Scholarship Committee was founded in 2001.  The OWC awards scholarships to deserving young women receiving a diploma from Sarasota County, and continuing their studies at an accredited institution of higher education.

Award considerations include: academic excellence, financial need, community involvement, extracurricular activities, and demonstrated leadership.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the OWC Scholarship Committee, please contact a chairwoman.

For more information about the Scholarship Program click here.

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