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OWC Lifestyle

In addition to our monthly luncheons and philanthropic activities, the OWC sponsors a number of special interest groups. While the general luncheons and meetings are an important part of the club, it is within the special interest groups that many members enjoy spending their time and building friendships.

The Special Interest Groups listed to the right are open to all OWC members. The chair information for each group is included. If you would like to join a group, or for more information, please call or email the chairperson.  If you would like to start a new group, please contact Carolyn, President of the OWC, Carolyn Ryzewicz at [email protected].
Reservations for all OWC Luncheon will be made through the Club.
to R.S.V.P. call (941) 966-2161

OWC Guest Policy Click Here

The Oaks Women’s Club Calendar 2022 - 2023

The OWC luncheons are held each month October through April. We meet in the Club foyer at 11:30 a.m. for social time with luncheon and program at 12:00 p.m.
October 12, 2022
WEDNESDAY - 11:30 a.m.
Kate Alexander, Florida Studio Theatre
November 9, 2022
WEDNESDAY - 11:30 a.m.
Debbie Mason, Tidewell Foundation
December 14, 2022
WEDNESDAY - 11:30 a.m.
Holiday Luncheon
January 11, 2023
WEDNESDAY - 11:30 a.m.
Andy Sandberg, The Hermitag
February 8, 2023
WEDNESDAY - 12:00 p.m.
Fashion Show
March 15, 2023
WEDNESDAY - 11:30 a.m.
Tiffany and His Works, Presented by Susan Blackburn.
April 5, 2023
WEDNESDAY - 11:30 a.m.
Scholarship Luncheon
November 10, 2022 New Member Fall Luncheon
November 16, 2022 OWC/OWGA Wine & Cheese with tennis shop
December 5, 2022 OWC Historic Spanish Point Walking Tour
TBD Oaks Croquet Clinics
TBD New Member Spring Luncheon
April 19, 2023 OWC Season Finale
November 7, 2022 Tail Gate Party
February 2, 2023 OWC PAR 3 Event
February 2, 2023 OWC Thirsty Thursday Event
January 18, 2023 OWC Bingo
March 4, 2023 OWC Scholarship Gala

Special Interests Groups

Best Sellers Book Club
Julia Griffith
(941) 773-8934
[email protected]

The Best Sellers Book Club primarily reads fiction chosen from recent years' best seller list with an occasional bestseller from the past.

The Best Sellers Club meets October through April on the third Tuesday of the month at 2:00 p.m. in the Clubhouse, except in December when we take a break. Some group members meet for lunch in the Grille Room at 12:45 p.m. in order to get to know each other and to discuss non-book related topics.  Lunch is optional.  Please R.S.V.P. for lunches to [email protected], or if you would like to be added to the book club email reminder list.

November 15, 2022
"The Third Daughter" by Talia Carner at the home of Julia Griffith, 916 MacEwen Dr. Discussion led by Valerie Kirshy.
January 17, 2023
"Before We Were Yours" by Lisa Wingate in the Library. Discussion led by Michelle Gangemi.
February 21, 2023
"The Outside Boy" by Jeanne Cummins in the Card Room. Discussion led by Maureen Drackett.
March 21, 2023
"The Last Flightby Julie Clark in the Card Room. Discussion led by Dorothy Friedland.
April 18, 2023
"Night Road" by Kristin Hannah in the Card Room. Discussion led by Stefany Dreher.
Non-fiction Book Club
Jacqueline Schafer
(202) 297-6429
[email protected]

The OWC Nonfiction Book Club commences its sixth season in 2022-2023. Please note the new meeting day, the THIRD Wednesday of the month We meet October through April at 1:00 p.m. in the Card Room. Prior to the book discussion, many of our readers gather for lunch at the club, enriching the social aspect of our program.

We welcome all OWC members who enjoy reading across the broad spectrum of nonfiction. Subjects include histories of all kinds; arts and culture; science and technology; environment and natural resources; economics and business; public policy, politics and current affairs; and philosophy and religion. We include new issues and back titles. Our readers are invited to recommend titles and to volunteer to lead the group discussion. Once you register your interest in the nonfiction group with OWC Membership, you will receive regular updates via email.

October 19, 2022  "Freezing Order: A True Story of Money Laundering. Murder and Surviving Putin’s Wrath" (2022) by Bill Browder.  Simon and Schuster, 303 pages.
Discussion Leader:  Sue Clack.
November 16, 2022 "You Don’t Belong Here:  How Three Women Rewrote the Story of War" (2021) by Elizabeth Becker. Public Affairs, 320 pages.
Discussion Leader:  Barbara Bowling.
December  21, 2022 "The Pioneers: The Heroic Story of the Settlers Who Brought the American Ideal West" (May, 2019) by David McCullough. Simon and Schuster, 258 pages.
Discussion Leader:  Jackee Schafer
January 18, 2023 "The Daughters of Yalta: The Churchills, Roosevelts, and Harrimans, A Story of Love and War" (2020) by Catherine Grace Katz. HMH, 317 pages. 
Discussion Leader:  Allison Kellogg.
February  15, 2023 TBA
March 15, 2023 "Ringling, the Florida Years, 1911-1936" (1993) by David C. Weeks. U Press of FL, paper 368 pages. 
Discussion Leader:  Linda Baron
April 19, 2023 "The Bald Eagle: The Improbable Journey of America’s Bird" (2022) by University of Florida Professor Jack E. Davis (Norton/Liveright, 384 pages, hardcover). Discussion Leader: TBA
Joan Tufts
(941) 525-7419
[email protected]

Many have enjoyed playing this dice game. We will play the third Tuesday of the month from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m., October through April. This is a simple game of luck and is very social. Prizes are awarded. Guests are welcome. Bring $3.00 and you may leave with a lot more! The game is most fun with at least twelve players. If you have not played before, please contact Joan Tufts for more information and to be placed on the email list. Reservations are necessary.
Kris Brown
[email protected]
Lori Voge
[email protected]
This activity is an entertaining two-deck card game requiring no experience. You will learn the rules and fundamentals at the first meeting and you'll be playing and having fun by the second meeting. Please mark your calendars for our meetings every Tuesday year-round. The fun starts at 2:00 p.m. and ends around 4:00 p.m. For more information, please contact the chairs.
Claudia Latona
(412) 551-5309
[email protected]
Marti Byers
(816) 804-9173
[email protected]
Each month, OWC members and their guests will gather at a hostess's home where drinks and heavy hors d'oeuvres will be shared from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.  The hostesses may choose to have a theme and each participant will sign up to bring a dish and their preferred beverage.  Reservations are necessary.
Anne Copeland
[email protected]
Kathey Pienta
[email protected]
Interested in hosting a cooking class with your favorite recipe, attending cooking demonstrations with a professional chef and/or attending a tasting? Then this class is for you. Great camaraderie with OWC ladies as we have fun exploring more ideas for our kitchen. We meet once a month from January through April, dates and times to be determined.
Clare Godleski
(609) 203-9761
[email protected]
Barbara Bowling
[email protected]
Creative Women, formerly known as the Artist’s Group, seeks to provide OWC members with “A Reason to be Creative”. This group meets monthly November through April, Each month an instructional program will focus on a different art form such as jewelry making, floral arrangement, creative entertaining, art history, card making and more. Oaks Club members will serve as instructors when possible. Materials fees will be kept to a minimum. We are a fun group who enjoy hands on experiences. Emails with our programs re sent to members who register for this group.


Meeting Schedule

  • November 2, 2022 - Tennis Pavilion
  • December 8, 2022 - Tennis Pavilion
  • January 12, 2023 - Ballroom
  • February 15, 2023 - Tennis Pavilion
  • March 1, 2023 - Tennis Pavilion
  • April 20, 2023 - Tennis Pavilion
Cindy Allcox
(941) 822-0264
[email protected]
Annette Dwyer
[email protected]

Help to create fresh floral arrangements for Hospice patients. All supplies and flowers are supplied. We meet on the second Monday of each month at 9:00 a.m. in the Clubhouse Card Room from November through April. There is no floral experience required and all are welcome. Just bring your flower cutting shears and creativity.
Friday Co-Chairs
Trish Griffin
(941) 286-0092
[email protected]
Karen Goober
[email protected]

Mah Jongg is a traditional Chinese tile game. This American version uses the traditional Chinese tiles coupled with a card of “hands” supplied and sanctioned by the National Mah Jongg League. We now have two seperate Mah Jongg groups. 

The Friday group plays from 9:30 a.m. until noon and is co-chaired by Trish Griffin and Karen Goober. OWC members of all abilities are welcome. Beginners Contact Trish or Karen who will be happy to get you started.
Monday Chair
Gail Hruby
[email protected]

Mah Jongg will return on Monday afternoons, 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Play will follow National Mah Jongg League rules. OWC members with knowledge of the game are welcome. Bring your card and possibly your Mah Jongg set. Please contact Gail to be added to the weekly email.
Carolyn Butler
(941) 966-8620
[email protected]
Cooky Connolly
(941) 484-6388
[email protected]