
OWGA League Play for 9 & 18 Holers

2024-2025 Season

OWGA League Play for 9 & 18 Holers

League Play for 9 and 18 holes is designed to be fun! There may be changes instituted as League Play evolves and moves forward.

All players who want to participate in League play for the 2024-2025 season must register to be a participant. There is no additional fee to participate in League play for the 2024-2025 season. League Member Mixers are open to all OWGA members. The Pro Shop will assign registered players to teams based on their handicap, frequency of play, tee color, and 9 holers or 18 holers. The goal is to have teams with similar strength and headcount.

The OWGA Board will pick the team captains. Different colors and/or team names will be assigned to each team.
Ideally, when making the foursome, threesome or twosome for Tuesday League play, the teams will be mixed up and at least one player in each group will be a representative from a different team.

Playing on League Tuesdays at least 4 (four) out of the possible 8 (eight) times will qualify a player to be eligible for any League prize money awards. This can be achieved by playing 3 (three) Tuesdays plus the April playoff round, or four League Tuesdays during the season.
League play runs in conjunction with the OWGA game that week which will also be Stableford Points. There will still be regular sweeps paid out each week.

OWGA League Play for 9 & 18 Holers


League Play Dates: League Play takes place on Tuesdays. The format is Stableford Points. League play days for the 2024-2025 season are:
November 5, 2024  
November 19, 2024  
December 3, 2024  
January 14, 2025  
February 4, 2025  
February 18, 2025  
March 11, 2025  
April 1, 2025  
April 15, 2025 League playoff for 1st, 2nd,
3rd place and 4th runner-up
League Scoring: Upon completion of League play each Tuesday, the Pro Shop will determine the best scores submitted for that day for the front nine holes of either course. Each team will also be awarded 1 (one) extra “participation” point for each player that participated in League that day. Weekly totals will be posted to the League Leaderboard in addition to an email describing League standings for each team.

Since fewer players are present in November and December, each team will submit the best 8 (eight) front 9-hole (Stableford point) scores from either course. In January, February, March and April, each team will submit 10 (ten) front-nine scores from either course.
Note: The number of scores required can be revised at the discretion of the OWGA board.


OWGA League Play for 9 & 18 Holers


New Member League Requirements: Any new member who joins the OWGA between February 4, 2025 and February 18, 2025 is welcome to register to participate in League Play. She must play on the 3 (three) remaining League Play dates plus the League playoff date to be eligible to share in her team’s prize award (if any). Anyone joining the OWGA after February 18, 2025 who chooses to register for League is welcome to participate in League Tuesdays, but she will not be eligible to win any prize monies since she would not be able to participate in the required 4 (four) play dates.

League Playoffs: Playoffs will be held April 15, 2025 between the teams with the highest two scores to determine the 1st and 2nd place prize, and between the teams with the third and fourth highest scores for the 3rd place prize and 4th runner-up position.
Please note the playoffs are all Stableford Points matches:
First place Team prize $1,400
Second place Team prize $1200
Third place Team prize $900
Regular Tuesday game sweeps are not awarded to teams that finish 1st, 2nd or 3rd on League Playoff Tuesday. The team that finishes in 4th place runner-up position will be eligible for Tuesday game sweeps on that day.
The prize money awards are subject to change based on participation.