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Croquet Orientation

We are now offering Croquet Orientations to all new members and true beginners! We would love to have you walk our pristine court, understand the wickets, learn how to hold a mallet, hit a ball, and answer your questions about this great game. We will soon announce a Group Orientation date to sign up online, but if you want a private or family orientation, please contact Scott directly to schedule at [email protected].

To view event flyers and contact information for the Daily Captains, click here.
October 27, 2022 - Wickets & Wine social event – Halloween theme
November 13, 2022 - Welcome Back Dinner
November 19, 2022 - Lamacraft Tournament
December 14, 2022 - Wickets & Wine social event – Christmas theme
January 24 - 28, 2023 - Fisher Singles Golf Croquet Tournament
February 7, 2023 - Wickets & Wine social event – Valentine's theme
February 14 – 18, 2023 - *The Keeley Cup*- Golf Croquet Doubles Tournament
March 14 – 18, 2023 - Lawrence Six Wicket Tournament
April 16, 2023 - End of Season Dinner

  • Use of the croquet court requires a reservation. Reservations can be made online.
  • The croquet court will be open seven (7) days a week during daylight hours unless closed by Club management for maintenance or special events.
  • The Croquet Club organizes tournaments and other croquet events at different times of the year. Events will be posted in advance on the Croquet Bulletin Board. During these events, the court will not be available to others.
  • Open Play court times are reserved for one-hour increments two hours maximum starting at 9:00 a.m.  Reservations may be made up to seven days in advance.
  • Croquet equipment is available for use in the storeroom close to the court. The equipment should be used carefully and returned to the storage area after each use.The Club will not be responsible for the loss or damage to personal property of a member or guest. 
  • When the lightning siren sounds, the court is closed. All players must immediately cease play and evacuate the court completely. Players may not resume play until the lightning siren sounds, indicating that all is clear. 
  • The Dress Code will apply to all areas of the croquet courts. Players must dress in “traditional” whites and conform to the Clubhouse dress code. The dress code will apply to children. Tennis shoes or similar flat sole shoes are required. No heels, spikes, or shoes that will cause damage to the court surface are permitted.
Guest Rules
  1. Members may invite guests to use the croquet court. The member must accompany their guest except if a House Guest Card was obtained. All House Guest Card rules will apply (see rules section 4.2). 
  2. Guests are subject to fees as prescribed by the Board of Governors and are subject to change. 
  3. Guests are limited to a total of eight (8) visits to the Club for croquet play during the period November 1 through May 31 and no more than twelve (12) times during the calendar year. 
  4. Any member introducing a guest for play privileges must check in at the reception desk and will be responsible for the payment of all guest fees. 
  5. Members are responsible for ensuring that the guest adheres to the Croquet Rules and Regulations for The Oaks Club, including the dress code.

Guest Fee Information

  1. Standard guest fee $10.00 
  2. House guest $5.00
  3. Guests are limited to a total of eight (8) visits to the Club for croquet play during the period November 1 through May 31 and no more than twelve (12) times during the calendar year.
Court Care and Dress Code
  1. Care should be taken to preserve the court and maintain it in excellent condition. 
  2. Cigarette butts and trash should be disposed of in the proper containers provided. 
  3. Players must dress in “traditional” whites and conform to the clubhouse dress code. The dress code will also apply to children. 
  4. Tennis shoes or similar flat sole shoe is required. No heels, spikes, or shoes that will cause damage the court surface. 
We have Six Wickets and Golf Croquet Group Play and Open Play opportunities for all members of The Oaks Club. You can join a group on any scheduled date and time or select a free court time and form your own. 

Both forms of croquet require strategic play and shot-making ability. The two games differ considerably in basic rules of play and hence in strategy. Both are equally challenging, nonetheless.


About Golf Croquet at The Oaks Club
Golf Croquet is the most popular form of croquet. Players new to the game begin here in a friendly social environment.
Golf Croquet is most often played as a “doubles game,” in which two players form one team against a team of two other players. In this way beginners can be partnered with more experienced players who will teach them the basics of the game, including how to hold a mallet, how to strike the ball, and how to make a wicket, as well as order of play. As players progress, they are introduced to new shots and more strategy. Terms such as “stop shot,” “jump shot,” and “partner promotion” will become part of the croquet vocabulary, and defense mechanisms and strategy will enter the performance repertoire.
About Six Wickets at The Oaks Club.
Once a basic knowledge of Golf Croquet has been mastered, some players move on to the Six Wickets game.
Six Wickets Croquet appeals to more serious players. It is usually played as a singles match, with one player assuming responsibility for the Blue and Black balls and the other for the Red and Yellow. New shots such as Croquets, Roquets, Splits, and Rolls will be taught, and new terms such as “ball in hand” and “deadness” will become familiar. Strategy becomes more important. With careful planning, good shot selection, and perfect shot execution, a player can “run” several wickets with one turn. A champion player will run all six wickets and then reverse direction and run six wickets again whilst leaving his opponent on the sidelines to watch in awe.

About The Events

While the atmosphere is collegial and casual, Croquet at The Oaks Club honors the tradition of wearing whites on the court while playing. An exception to this requirement is Guest Days when newcomers are welcome to come and learn about the game and meet the members.

All Members and Associates of The Oaks Club can enjoy a challenging game of croquet which requires hand-eye coordination as well as strategic thinking. However, as with so many aspects of The Oaks Club, the true pleasure is derived from making friends and enjoying their company in a variety of activities on and off the court.

In addition to the tournaments, clinincs, the Welcome Back and Farewell Dinner, the Club organizes additional trips and dinners each year to venues off-site. For more information about these events and more click here.